The Zoom Room is Sim's new favorite place to go! I first brought him here for some puppy training and when I paid for four training classes we got a free private gym session too.
What is private dog gym? I was wondering the same thing. Turns out, it is exactly what is sounds like. The lucky pup gets the whole gym to himself for a half hour and its set up with all the equipment used in agility training. The equipment included ramps, a tunnel, a "table" to climb up on, a hoop to jump through and bars to jump over.
It sounds like a little boot camp to me but Sim went crazy for it. He loved racing loudly up the ramps and dropping a rubber ball to roll down the other side. He also enjoyed bouncing through the obstacles for a treat. It was a fun and different way to work out all of his crazy puppy energy. And I cannot over-exaggerate how much of this crazy energy Sim has.